

Rules are the basic building blocks of Entitled. Fundamentally, a Rule is a simple wrapper around a standard, boolean-returning Python function.

Rules are the basic building blocks of Entitled. Fundamentally, a Rule is a simple wrapper around a standard, boolean-returning Python function.

Semantically, Rules describes "facts" about your application and about the relationships between the various actors and resources of your app.

Writing Rules

is_admin = Rule("is_admin", lambda actor, resource, context: resource.owner = actor)

The Rule constructor takes two parameters: a str representing the rule's identifier, and a boolean-returning Callable.

A Rule can (and likely should) also take two generic parameters: ActorModel and ResourceModel, identifying what type of actor object and resource object this rule applies. This serves primarily for type-hinting purposes, but also serves as checks for policies grouping as we'll discuss in another section.

is_admin = Rule[User, Organization]("is_admin", lamdba actor, resource, context: resource.owner = actor)

Using Rules

Rules are Callable object themselves that defer to the underlying function, so using them is as simple as calling them on the relevant objects

if is_admin(user, post):
    print("User authorized")

Alternatively, you can call on rule.authorize. This function essentially accomplishes the same thing, but raises an UnauthorizedException if the rule would return False.

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